- Date: Monday 5 June, 2023 14:00 -18:00, CEST
- Timezone: CEST
- Location: Online/ Hybrid
- Target Group: Researchers and platforms/Core Facilities of the EUGLOH-RIA Alliance
- Host: Université Paris-Saclay
- Registration: by sending an email to euglohria.upsaclay@universite-paris-saclay.fr (deadline 25 May 2023)
The EUGLOH European Alliance presently drives a research cooperation action between Université Paris Saclay ( Lund University ( University of Szeged ( Universidade do Porto U Porto and Ludwig Maximilians Universität München ( supported by a H 2020 project entitled EUGLOH RIA (RIA Research Innovation Action) Within this project, research units and infrastructures have been identified within the European Alliance. In this context, the community at Université Paris Saclay of the Pediatric Immunology Program ( is eager to invite the partners of the EUGLOHRIA project to an hybridmeeting focused on the Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
Neonates and young infants are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases and one in fifty deaths of otherwise healthy children under age five around the world is due to respiratory syncytial virus ( that causes acute respiratory infection with clinical complications, and dysregulated immune mechanisms of the host. The development and shaping of the immune system begin before birth and continue throughout childhood. The rapidly changing environmental and microbial exposures in the postnatal period have a major impact on neonatal immunity Inducing efficient and sustained immunity, either through reinforcing natural immunity or vaccine induced immunity, remains challenging in this age group, in particular due to the lack of qualitative understanding of the mechanisms of host response in young individuals. There is a need to accelerate pediatric research for protecting vulnerable populations from pathogens such as RSV We will discuss current research and preclinical/clinical developments in the field of RSV infection in young infants.
EUGLOHRIA European partners are invited to participate online and few ones will be invited to present their work. A seed program with lump sums of 5 k€ and 10 k€ will be presented. The others will have the possibility to ask questions and participate through the session’s chat.
Registration is free but mandatory by 25 May 2023 by sending an email to euglohria.upsaclay@universite-paris-saclay.fr The link for participation will be sent to you.